Years ago, smoking a cigar during the meal was considered a sin but, gradually, tastes were refined and today cigars go together with the finest menus. Thus, strongly flavoured cigars, with an interesting wooden taste, grey or floral, but both round and rich in essential oils suit to specific continental cuisine.
Asian spices make the selection of a suitable cigar even more difficult. However, the real connoisseurs prefer a light and fresh cigar for the spicy food. Round tasting cigars, oily and wooden flavoured are recommended to be enjoyed together with lighter foods, whilst complex and strong cigars are even better appreciated when adding ginger to your dish. Middle Eastern cuisine is suitable for an aromatic and complex cigar.
On the other hand, champagne (not the rough, extra rough and cold) is excellent with a cigar. A glass of scotch, whisky and bourbon, as well. The brandy, the rum and a sweet wine emphasize the characteristics of a fine cigar.